


My wallet got mailed to me and my faith in humanity is restored. It had no cash... but didn't have any when I lost it.

Sorry if anyone got spammed by my hotmail account. So far, the only person who considered that I might actually be hawking suzuki electronics on the side and signing my emails 'William Becker' was Mom (hi Mom!), though she did acknowledge the email as 'weird.' Anyway, I changed my password and inadvertantly deleted my contacts so that should hopefully fix the problem.

Bears game tonight should be entertaining. I hesitate to call the game 'big' because (a) it's week 3 and (b) in today's NFL full of parity, they're all big games. About the only thing we can say at this point is that Cutler and Forte look great and I hope they can keep it going.


Case of the Mondays

You know how losing your wallet is like punching yourself in the head? I traced it back to Owen's and my bike ride Saturday morning to the post office. I asked if he had seen anything fall out of my pockets -- wind pants... never wear wind pants on a bike -- and he said: "There was something, it was black and it hit the back tire ... I thought it was a bomb!" (chuckle, giggle)

Then the DMV was closed today, meaning I won't have another chance to get a replacement license for a month. Starting attending Wednesday.

And then there was a pool of cloudy water in the bottom of the dishwasher but I might've fixed it.


O is now officially a Millenial

Owen really wants the Death Star lego set, which is like 400 bucks and 10 thousand lego pieces. I'm not exactly how/when this happened, but the parental decision was that he could chip away at the price tag by doing chores around the house: vacuuming the basement, maybe some help leaf-raking, etc. He actually seems pretty fired up about this. So of course, no actual chore-doing has taken place but before school this morning, Owen had some extra time so he went into the basement to play a little bit. Julie said "you can only go downstairs if you come up *RIGHT AWAY* when I say it's time to go." So 10 mins later, Julie yells down and Owen charges up the stairs with uncommon alacrity....and says..."Do I get paid for coming up the stairs?"