

On the eve of the big day...

It appears Clinton has focussed her efforts elsewhere. I have seen about 10:1 Obama to Clinton ads on TV and find my mailbox stuffed with Obama fliers daily. A question for Sen. Obama: if you are the only one speaking in the ad, do you really have to say "I approve this message" at the end? I also noticed he's got one ad with many people complaining about the price of gas in testimonial after testimonial saying Obama will fight big oil. All these dozen people have PA accents of one kind or another and none is black. I'm sad that for this crucial time I'm being directly targeted for my demographic, I rarely buy gas. And I have no gun/religion to cling to for solace and my mortgage isn't adjustable/exploding.

Owen gets the day off for polling (geez, and I've got to drag my sorry ass in to vote at 7:15 so I can go over and see patients at 8?) He said this morning -- unprompted -- that he's sad he can't vote because he might be able to help Clinton win. He probably said the same thing tonight to Julie about Obama...O's future may be in politics it seems.


Will said...

primary day update: there was a radio playing in the room with the booths that had a commercial station on. I heard at least one Hillary ad while I was in there. Then, the guy who 'enables' the booth asked if I was registered as a democrat (I think a necessary question though he could've asked it a different way). When I said 'yes' he said 'My man!'

kath said...

I'm pretty sure O would be able make some real headway into the all-important 18-30 yo voting demographic. Go Hill!

julie said...

All political ads have the caveat "I'm so and so and I approve of this message" ...

Will said...

is it required or just SOP?