

Update to the "that's what you really think of me?" file

Over the years, the image of yourself as pefect is constantly under assault. And sometimes you just have to give in. Despite what I thought were reasonable efforts to portray myself as otherwise, I might actually be cheap, self-righteous and not skilled in personal hygiene.

Yesterday, I told Julie over the phone that "I stole a shirt" from her. In this enterprise of one Owen in two houses (but MOSTLY in Julie's house, people! MOSTLY in Julie's house!!), tracking his dress-code-appropriate clothing can be maddening. So I might wash the one he wore Thurs and put it on him Friday, hope Friday's a dress-down day or, rarely, take an extra shirt from Julie's house.

But in this brief conversation, it became clear that Julie thought I had stolen one of her blouses and that I might be planning to wear it to work.


julie said...

Might I note that you have, in the past, worn my women's shoes to surgery. So this did not seem entirely unreasonable a thought.

Will said...

True. But I finally did go out and buy some more masculine black clogs of my own.

And what did that get me??

Owen's classmate, a six-year-old child, asked me Monday, "Why you wearin' ladies shoes?"

julie said...

BTW, I don't know where you got the photo of a "blouse" but it is a pretty good approximation of my style.