...was probably Tuesday night, but since I haven't caught up yet, I'll have to go with last night. Bill kicked ass as expected. I was impressed with Kerry, too, who was clearly getting out some pent-up frustration.
Biden was fine; my only complaint was the obviously-intentional Bush/McCain 'Freudian slip.' Kerry did the same thing earlier and it sounded stupid the first time. Anyway, Biden was energized but sane and shared the spotlight well. The intergenerational family theme was genuine; when 'We Are Family' came on, I believed it.
I am starting to get a little queasy about the roiling storm of the Repub convention. The 'he's not ready' and 'wrong ticket' themes are going to bludgeon us and will probably score some points; going second is a huge advantage here for the GOP. (I guess waiting til after Obama's acceptance speech before getting my panties in a wad makes sense too). One hope is that McCain picks someone goofy and he/they has to spend much of the convention explaining the choice. I guess I'm having trouble imagining a non-goofy choice, come to think of it. McCain is so clearly a superior candidate to his party-mates it seems hard to imagine how far from the nomination he was at one point.
This has nothing to do with politics. But it's still funny. Let's make fun of people from Omaha for just a moment. (I realize the story didn't take place in Omaha, but the GM in the story is from there, and Iowa is close enough.
I love the new look for this political echo chamber by the way. Echo! Why am I not hearing anything back......
Wake me up when you say something critical about the neo-socialists in Denver.
By the way, we have plenty of goofs that McCain could pick. I am on pins and needles. I would have be okay with Lieberman as a VP pick, but Joementum would scare of the base and cost us the election for sure.
Wytheville now has a Ruby Tuesday and an Applebee's. That doesn't make us a city does it???
I have something critical: Obama seemed to have pulled out some kind of folksy accent to go along with that choppy rhythm at the end of his sentences. I hope that was just for the social appearance last night b/c I don't want to hear Grandpa Barack-voice for 45 min tonight. Dude, you're smart as hell -- you taught constitutional law at U. of Chicago -- we can handle it.
What the hell is going on around here? Tan?
Anyway, for the love of baseball, I give you this from Ted Anthony's most recent article from the convention floor, where he thought the best insult hurled at Republicans was a baseball metaphor:
The best putdown of the Democratic convention came from Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland.
He brought down the Pepsi Center with: "You know, it was once said of the first George Bush that he was born on third base and thought he'd hit a triple. Well, with the 22 million new jobs and the budget surplus Bill Clinton left behind, George W. Bush came into office on third base, and then he stole second."
if the Phanatic's coat were washed, this color scheme would be awesome.
I love the new look.
I am enjoying the new gigantic print. I need that so I don't squint.
Well maybe not a goofy choice but Palin certainly is being used as a pawn if you ask me!
Also love the new look but am a bit disappointed that you chose not to include your New Haven roots into your overall layout. How easily you seem to forget. You did spend about 10 years of your formative time here.
FYI, as a staunch Hillary supporter I wasn't expecting much out of the last few days. But I have to say I was feeling somewhat giddy and excited by the end of things last night.
Ditto on JT's sentiment. Love the new layout...don't forget about us! I, too, was giddy after these last 4 days and am actually really excited about Obama for the first time.
Can we just address how out of touch McCain is? Does he think Hillary supporters were in it only for the woman criteria to be met? Kudos on his choice...I am confident this will only weaken his attacks on Obama and assure us a better government.
PS: too bad Tina Fey isn't an SNL regular...she could totally be Palin.
Seriously. Though one of my residents just told me I could pass for Palin! Yuck! But, that would bring me closer to the original maverick.
If Wyethville has an Applebee's AND a Ruby Tuesdays, it's lightyears ahead of Uniontown, PA. Ask Will sometime about where we ate breakfast in my hometown.
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