"Really, the fantasy football season isn't fun. Winning is OK; losing is agonizing. You constantly feel awful about your choices and your bad luck; it's the only exercise that causes arguments with friends you normally never would argue with; and you spend roughly a kazillion hours managing your team for the 10 percent chance that you might win your league. There's just not a ton of upside. It's almost like smoking cigarettes -- it started out with good intentions, and it's something to do, and it can be fun in the right moments, but ultimately, there are an inordinate amount of moments when you find yourself leaning out a window in 20-degree weather to puff out a quick cig as your nose gets frostbitten, or bumming a cig from a group of horrible girls and then feeling obligated to talk to them, or waking up in the morning and coughing up your right lung. Really, it's more harm than fun. And yet, we continue to do it. And love it. This entire paragraph made me want to smoke." -- Bill Simmons (the Sports Guy).
That pretty well sums it up for me. I'll likely end up 10 points short of a playoff berth tonight and instead of seeing that as a blessing in disguise so I can more fully enjoy the next 3 weekends of my life, I'll probably sneak 47 peeks at MNF **JUST IN CASE** Maurice Jones Drew can manage to score 34 points. And all the while, I'll ask myself - why did I trade for Eli Manning if I was just going to bench him in the midst of one of the most dominant 18 game runs any team has had this decade? Sure, we all knew Trent Edwards would have a let-down after last week's explosion but ONE FRIGGIN' POINT?! Against the Niners?!? At home?!?
Ok, I feel a little better.