O lost another tooth today -- that's two for those scoring at home. Julie and I were having a little trouble with the Tooth Fairy protocol. How does the Tooth Fairy know when to visit? Does she check under everybody's pillow every night? Luckily, Owen seemed oblivious to the logistical holes.
Speaking of which, O went with the saturation technique on his Christmas list. If Santa only brings half the requested presents based on a behavioral sliding scale, best to put as many options down as possible.

now i know where owen gets his handwriting...
Handwriting has no chance in today's era. Are the annual letters to Santa going to be Owen's only 4? handwritten letters in his life?
...and also where he gets his affinity for wearing bikini bottoms
Well, we all know due to favorable genetics he will only have a couple more years to wear bikini bottoms as they won't provide adequate support.
Gross...I blame you Brendan for baiting me into that.
Someday in the not-too-distant future, Owen will be reading PhillyWill and all the comments contained herein. Just keep that in mind.
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