

Rejoice America!

In these dark economic times, there are still little bright lights scattered around. Especially if you care about colon health. People -- it is Raisin Bran ... with almonds, yogurt clusters (yes! of FiberOne fame), cranberries and 28% of your rda of fiber. And then, as if to say 'yes, shopper, tiny miracles do come in pairs' -- it was ON SALE at Target. I had my first bowl this morning and it was even better than I imagined.


Brendan said...

Two PhillyWill posts on the same day. You're right, good things do come in pairs!!! Speaking of which...

Will said...

I'm afraid your excitement marks (Owen's term) might actually be sarcast-o-sticks with dots.

Brendan said...

no way, it's genuine excitement. i check phillywill every day. why do you think i don't call often enough? (look, you aren't exactly blowing up my phone, either.)

julie said...

It is always sad to be a regular reader of a blog that is updated irregularly. :(

Don said...

Tell me about it. My day is always a little emptier when there are no PhillyWill updates.

julie said...

Sadder, even, that PhillyWill just ignores the resounding cries for more posts!