


What a past couple weeks it was for New Generation Highly-Rated Game/Talent Shows.

Chris beat Adam last night in the Idol final. I've only watched two episodes this season but I think I got the gist: glam vs. soul or something like that. The obvious analysis is that America writ large is more comfortable with a non-androgynous person/safer style. And maybe that's the end of it. But maybe it's a little more complex -- first off, Chris with his guitar/piano work may have been more talented. Second, Adam's androgyny was a little forced. Not confusing (and therein threatening) at all ... maybe just fake. He looked like a linebacker next to Ryan and Chris. And his sneer and stubble poking through the makeup was a far cry from the prototypical (early) Bowie/Prince waif look. The falsetto shrieking was less mysterious out-of-nowhere (early)-Plant than just calculated theatrics. Then again, the whole show is calculated theatrics so I don't really know what I'm talking about. I'm sure he'll make a billion dollars nonetheless.

Did anyone watch Survivor? The early alliance between the effete New York -Yale grad-Jewish kid and the Alabama cattle farmer lasted the whole season on into the final two. There was a moment of near tragedy when Steven, the former, admitted under duress he wouldn't have taken JT, the latter, into the final round had he won the last challenge. But after JT won the $1 million, he told us he would've done the same thing had he been in Steven's position. And now they're going into business together. I can't speak for the other 17 seasons (two per year in the last 9 years), but this was pretty damn entertaining television.


Don said...

I haven't watched Survivor since season 1, and I have never sat through more than one song on Idol. But you are making me consider second chances for both.

But if you want good reality tv, you need to be watching Fourth and Long with Michael Irvin.

julie said...

I am perfectly comfortable with androgeny but for my money, the guy whose name I don't know had more sex appeal than Adam, which makes for a singer I find appealing.

Don said...

So, Julie preferred the hot guy.


"which makes for a singer I find appealing."


julie said...

He was the whole package. I mean, the contest is about creating a pop star, not about who is the best technical singer.