Quite impressive, Don. Being stuck in a hotel room just makes me watch bad TV. At least you can be creative. 'No Pants Required' is leading the pack for, among other reasons, its nod to Phil Collins. I also really like 'Elm City 2: Revenge of the Hippie' even if my hippiedom probably doesn't qualify up here, and My New Cravin' Relapse since I would be nothing without bad puns. I have to admit that I had to wikipedia Jeremiah Dummer.
I didn't notice in my previous viewings of this photo exactly how possessed Jack's eyes look to be.
don't those eyes just seem to say "sure, laugh now, but who'll be laughing when I'm biting your feet in the middle of the night?"
Awesome. I am stuck in a hotel room per usual, and I needed something to do for a few hours. Naming your blog will be an honor.
Wooster Willy, Will's APizza, Will Becker's Pizzeria Napoletana
Eli Willy
Will's Place
I'm Not the Moose!
Will and Bones
Science Will
Willa Grasso Boulevard
Willihu Yale
Lux et Will (kinda redundant I know, but who knows Latin?)
Urim v' Willum
Jeremiah Dummer Appreciation Society
Gaddis Stalker
No Pants Required
Pasta Explosion
Pasta Explosion : In Perpetuity
Pasta Explosion : Adult Version
Elm City 2 : Revenge of the Hippy
My New Cravin' Relapse
Addicted to Nutmeg
I think Don has possibly lost his mind, but "No Pants Required" may be my favorite of the bunch.
Quite impressive, Don. Being stuck in a hotel room just makes me watch bad TV. At least you can be creative. 'No Pants Required' is leading the pack for, among other reasons, its nod to Phil Collins. I also really like 'Elm City 2: Revenge of the Hippie' even if my hippiedom probably doesn't qualify up here, and My New Cravin' Relapse since I would be nothing without bad puns. I have to admit that I had to wikipedia Jeremiah Dummer.
You had to wiki Jeremiah Dummer??? You DO realize our alma mater came seriously close to having HIS name instead of Elihu Yale's.
Dummer College has a certain ring to it, though, I must confess.
And I knew I misspelled hippie.
And I do hope Julie is aware of "the other reasons" from your pants for "No Pants Required."
Anyway, as long as at least a few them got a chuckle, my insanity was worth it.
I meant "from your past" (not "from your pants").
How Freudian of me...
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