

Elephant, cat, mouse

In our ongoing quest to improve upon rock, paper, scissors (seriously ... paper beats rock??), we may have stumbled on a winner: I give you Elephant, cat, mouse. Elephant of the downgoing, waggling index finger; cat of the side-turned fist and oscillating pinkie; and mouse of the one-handed air quotes. You intuitively know what beats what (though Dad messed up mouse beating elephant. Maybe that's counterintuitive but still true somehow). There's not supposed to be anything obscene here so if you find anything, that's on you.


Don said...

Obviously, I need to send O some more BrickArms

julie said...

Email this video to me, please. Why can't I click on it and have it take me to youtube, the way every other video on the internet works?

Why didn't we discuss Scott Brown at home? I thought the same thing. Funny, that.

Simon Brown said...

This is awesome. O and I will be playing for sure.