

Tiger bash

The Chili Cook-Off was a hit, I think. We only had 9 chilis but they were really good and we raised $250 for the Connecticut Food Bank. Jason's straight up beef n bean won the coveted Golden Pepper award.

This is the princeton pin~ata prior to its destruction. Lucy, one of Owen's classmates, made the crushing blow.


Don said...

It may not be my place to raise here the concerns most people had regarding the chili contest.

But, even though I was not among the chilimongers who competed, I have to echo there thoughts by asking you, Will, to make every effort to prevent the type of "gaming the system" that Jason perpetrated to take the prize.

Okay, fine, let him get by with it this time, but if you want contestants to keep bringing chilis for years to come -- you should clean up his act now before it happens again.

Will said...

these rumors are exactly why Julie entered only her 3rd best chili...and still almost won! (not really)