This flimsy plastic contraption has changed our lives. Remember that dryer lint I used to ball up and put in the Christmas tree stand because we don't have a trash can in the basement? Well *now*, at least occasionally, it goes in the compost bin. And the contents of this bin, which include not only dryer lint but also leaves, coffee grounds, cat hair, and ruptured pi~natas among other things, will combine with bacteria, worms, sun and precipitation to become tomatoes and parsley. I was pretty skeptical, too, but when I was turning the compost heap on Thursday, there was steam rising out of it. "That's a load of sh!t" you say? Exactly.
Technically, we did have a despository for dryer lint pre-compost, in the form of a plastic bag that hung on the side of the drying rack. It was from there that I retrieved approximately 6 lbs of dryer lint (mostly cat hair) that went into the compost.
Will, just thank how many families your hair from the 90's could have fed.
And, yes, this is my follicular envy talking.
This blog needs a better photographer.
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