


Looks like I'm closing in on a closing on the Kater Street house. The inspection produced a 28 page PDF.  Guess what? (what?) There are termites and termite tunnels. I know ... shocking. I have a question for all the termite inspectors out there. Let's say I'm thinking of getting termites treated every 20 years or every 5 years. I'll pay you either $1000 every 20 or $1200 every 5. Will you come inspect my house and give me your honest opinion on whether I should go with the 20 or 5 year plan?

Orioles Mania is at a fever pitch these days. If you can't get enough, stop in to for your fix.

Here's a pic of me and O on the T platform on our way to Fenway last Saturday. Guess what? (What?) The ORIOLES WON!


Don said...

I love the Angry O's shirt. You see all my playoff tickets on facebook?

Will said...

the best part about Angry Oriole is that his batting helmet has another Angry Oriole on it...

didn't see the tix (I'm assuming Nats...) . will check out