I braved considerable odds -- no date, no car, no clean clothes, no washed hair, no absence of beer in font coat pocket -- to check out my first Oscar-nominated film of the season.
I have to say, it started out a little rough; the dialogue seemed contrived and precious but things quickly veered away from Chasing Amy-ville to lead to an enjoyable movie. I might've wanted fewer improbably witty and/or enlightened exchanges between any number of characters but the bottom line is I was entertained, moved and kept in suspense so what the heck. And, man, can you believe Jennifer Garner's facial structure?
For a likely entirely different take on teenish pregnancy, keep your eyes peeled for 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days.
When I see Jennifer Garner, I always see Kendall. She's practically a dead ringer.
Dying to see 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days. Have you seen it yet? Needless to say it is not widely distributed.
I need to see Juno.
For those of you who don't want to or have a difficult time leaving the house to see movies (if you have a newborn baby or something like that), there is a cool website that has most of the currently running movies on-line.
Some of the quality is great (especially if the movie is hosted on the site "Stage 6") others are fair (e.g., Googlevideo), but it's worth the shot to not have to pay $10 to see a bad movie.
Here is the link:
I didn't see 4/3/2 but if it comes here I definitely will....
I can see a little Kendall there for sure...
(I and the rest of the PhillyWill editorial board do not condone illegally copying movies or watching them.)
Crap, I always thought that 'precious' carried a positive connotation! All these years when you said "Lee, you're so precious" I thought you were paying me a compliment. Boy was I wrong! Guess I better start to "try really hard actually" to be cool
4/3/2 not as hot as we expected. Sadly. Plus, it's just a big, big bummer.
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