VH1 is doing their 'top 40 greatest internet superstars'
To tell you how compelling this show is, I was watching it over some woman's shoulder at the gym, without sound, and still was riveted. They had that dude who made his own Tron costume and lives in Tron world 24/7...
Next, in honor of Yale Internal Med Primary Care Second Look/Alumni Reunion tonight, it's time to acknowledge that Jane Hunter was separated at birth from Samantha Bee. This picture doesn't quite capture it but if you watched last night's Daily Show, you would have no doubt:

Lastly, the great basement adventure started last night. I hacked off the old parge that's on top of the brick going down the stairs with a hammer. I got it all without a chisel. Probably not too wise. I may try to repoint just this part myself and leave it as exposed brick. I'm going to get O to help me tonight, safety goggles and dust mask included of course. Speaking of O, here's a great pic from last June's graduation (from pre-K with grandma Liz and random paparazzi):

Oh how I love tron guy. You forgot to mention in this post that he is separated at birth from Dan. You and Coca will be on that internet list next year...I assure you.
Good call on the Bee-Hunter connection. Samantha Bee cracks me up. I would like to see her and Kristin Wiig do a skit together.
Do love O in this picture but random paparazzi in the back has to be my favorite. Don't even get me started with you hacking away at your basement. Can't wait to get the pics of O with a hard hat on. Isaiah got one for Christmas from my dad if Owen wants to borrow it.
Forgot to mention that the "word" that I had to type in to post that last comment was dilcup. that is like dillwick.
I remember harrassing Dan on this point when Tron guy first came out. This is a good excuse to do it again. i don't think he reads this but maybe Steve will send him the link
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