

Breakin' with the big kids

O had his first break-dancing class yesterday. We hitched a ride with Chloe way down into South Philly to the Teen Lounge of the rec center on 8th and Snyder. When we walked in, the music was already blaring and a dozen pre- and actual teens were doing break-dance warm-ups in perfect synchronization. O had no fear though -- he sat down in the stretching circle and introduced himself: O said his name was 'Owen' but his nickname was 'O.P.'. The teacher said "I'm gonna call you Big O," which seemed to make everyone happy.

Basically, O was already a few lessons behind and working with kids twice+ his age so it was hard to engage for the whole time. The teacher was really great though, trying to keep him interested and getting him his turns in the middle of the dance circle. By the end, O had a wacky twist and roll combo going that looked more like break dancing than the potty dance (yet with still some echoes of the latter) so I consider that an accomplishment. And man, look out South Philly because there is some serious break-dancing talent about to hit the streets. Some of those kids looked ready for prime time.


Anonymous said...


ted said...

Has break-dancing come full circle or what? Remember it used to be all the rage when we were in elementary/middle school? Let's hope that O has not inherited his Dad's groovin' genes.

Will said...

In this instance, I do have a legit excuse for no pics...I think it would've made O stick out more than he already did (as the only white kid and a lot younger) if his dorky dad was snapping photos. Not that I'm actually dorky; that's just the typical perception of the teenage set, what with their droopy trousers and "interesting" hair cuts. jiminy christmas!

I never broke dance as a kid. Tragically, though I had rhythm, I had zero flexibility and no upper body strength. But I could moonwalk

Anonymous said...

the lack of upper body strength is only due to missing 0.2% of your left pec though, right?