


The streets of Brooklyn were hopping last weekend prompting Owen to observe wide-eyed: "Now I know what it's like to be out in New York on a Saturday night."

O started a week of soccer camp on Monday. UK elite's "Coach Matt", actually of the UK, was running the 6-and-olders through some drills, shouting out instructions, not particularly concerned if they were following along or not. I guess that's the only way to do it without going nuts. I'm going to stop back by on Friday for the scrimmage, hopefully getting some pictures.

In other news, Jack and Sam are out on assignment, attempting to rid Julie's house of mice.

Reports are that they are doing a lot of lounging around

but the hope is that their pheromones alone will do the trick, though recent reports suggest that it may only make the mice 'macho.' I'm sure Julie would appreciate if at this point I mentioned that her house is not overrun with mice; in fact, there's only marginal evidence of their/its presence.


Don said...

You just don't get enough Toonces these days. I mean -- me? I get Caveman Lawyer like 24/7, but Toonces. You just don't get enough Toonces these days. Just ask Tonto, Frankenstein, and Tarzan.

Will said...

Toonces, Canteen Boy and Massive Head-wound Harry should appear together.

Anonymous said...

And Mr. Bo Jangles and Rocky Balboa

ted said...

i know this isn't an SNL character, but my personal favorite is the recent Annuale commercial. click on the link to view:

julie said...

I think they served to make the mice more macho, given the amount of rodent poop I found last night.

Anybody want to buy my house so I can move out?