This is the time of year where we really need to consider national non-religious holidays just to catch up on the world of sports.
First, the O's played me the fool and went 5-20 in September to finish with 68 wins. The up side? No one can pretend the rebuilding phase is anywhere near complete. But I believe it has started at least.
Moose finally got his 20-win season, thereby punching his ticket to the Hall of Fame as I see it. What a great combo: yankers miss playoffs, but Mussina has a stellar season EXCEPT when pitching vs. the O's.
And THE PHILLIES! wow. Gotta like their odds vs the Brewers. The Fightins are hungry after last season's quick exit.
Bears went retro with an old-fashioned Goal Line Stand to stave off the potent Eagles offense. Correll Buckhalter might've done better with the 2000 Husker O line in front of him.
Speaking of the Huskers, big loss to VA Tech showed that the pass defense still looks suspect. Hmmm...probably not a great sign considering the
calibre of QBs in the Big 12.
On another subject, who's pulling their money out of savings and putting it under the mattress? Call me a naive Nellie but I just don't see the FDIC going bankrupt as some have speculated. Of course, for those savings not FDIC insured, it's a different story, a story I'd rather not think about.