Skeptics asked questions like 'why do you want to watch baseball in the street when you have a flat screen HDTV 20 feet away in a warm house?' I didn't really have an answer for that one but something visceral was calling us into the street. Baseball is a game that is played outdoors, sometimes in the street (including Webster) so maybe it was a subconscious reaction to that domed monstrosity in Tampa. We had dogs and children running in front of the projector, we had strangers joining the party, we had hot toddies and chili, we had music and dancing breaks between innings, we had an open-flame fire pit and ladies and gentlemen we had COLE HAMELS! GO PHILLIES!!!
(hard to catch on film but you get the idea)

There is something incredible about watching sports with others. I would much rather watch my team with 20 like-minded fans in an alley than alone on my HD.
By the way, Yale lost 9-7 to Penn yesterday (I was there). Looks like Jack is using Carm's playbook these days. What happened to the days of Mighty Joe Walland throwing 60 passes in a game?
Well said Don.
Yeah, I used to believe maybe Yale wasn't capable of a more wide-open attack and that the ball-control approach was the default setting. But we know that isn't true. Is pass blocking so much harder/more complicated? 6 first downs?!?! poor Mike McLeod.... are his NFL hopes vaporizing in front of our eyes?
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