Shane Victorino hit his first career grand slam against arguably the majors' best pitcher to propel the Phils to a 2-0 lead heading back to Milwaukee. Bret Myers' 10-pitch walk to keep the inning going should keep almost as prominent a place in Phils' lore as the GS itself.
Palin also brought her A-game to the debate last night which meant for a few brief stretches, it actually seemed like a debate rather than 2 parallel-running campaign ads. She gets the award for 'most improved' after the Couric debacle but judging on the debate itself I give Biden the slight edge on style and a big edge on substance. On a side note, with all the distance Palin put between her ticket and the Bush administration ('huge blunders' of the past administration ... but all administrations make huge blunders?!?), she has clearly studied the Bush Manual on
Folksy Pseudo-Charm. But if we've learned anything from the past 8 years, it's that this plays well in Peoria. The race is back on.
I am pleased that most of the media outlets have noted that Palin didn't produce substance. She hasn't fooled anyone with her presentation.
yes, plays well in peoria, and apparently in the cnn "undecided room." shocking number of people who appreciated her "straight talk" style and demonstrated that they were totally oblivious to her utter lack of substance. that is why i still contend that she is actually a brilliant running mate selection. she appeals to the joe sixpack world. to them, i think substance = jibberish.
And I do know how y'all hate Peoria.... I think she kept us in the game, but I expect the Obama regime to take over in January.
and it's easy to "win" on substance when you can create fictitional "substance" from thin air.
Biden DID say he opposed clean coal in America. Obama DID Support the Palestinian elections. Biden confused the West Bank with Gaza. No one (including Biden and Obama) tried to get NATO to intervene in Lebanon. Bush did not "let Hezbollah into Lebanon." Hezbollah has been there for decades. Obama DID say that HE (not his administration) would meet with anyone without preconditions. McCain did NOT vote the same way as Obama on the tax increase for those earning over $42,000.
Of course, the Democrats' friends at CNN, MSObama, etc. won't take Biden to the mat on these misstatements. But the fact remains that when you can invent facts, you will always look like the master of them.
To be sure, Palin had some overstatements of her own. But they pale next to these lies.
DM - If Obama wins, is Palin at the top of the GOP ticket for 2012?
I think so. She will have 4 years to do the crash course Obama has done in 2. She saved her political career in that debate. I think Jindal will give her a run, though. I expect both of them to be on the ticket. I am not all that excited by either (too religious right for me), but I think I will be looking for any relief from the Obama regime by then. Frankly, if it wasn't for people attacking her so savagely, hypocritically, and unfairly, I probably wouldn't be so fired up to support her.
2012 -- romney and/or jindal. i think those are your guys. jindal very appealing, actually.
Here's my prediction:
Obama: 326 electoral votes
McCain: 212 electoral votes
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