

Columbus sells itself

This from a physician recruitment email I got for an 'Executive Health Practice' in
Columbus, OH. (This part actually came *before* mention of the orchestra, ballet,
minor league baseball, etc etc.)

"Numerous fast food chains call Columbus home - Charley's Grilled Subs, Steak Escape,
White Castle, Bob Evans, Max & Erma's, Damon's Grill and Donatos Pizza." Ummm...
there had better be a least a couple Burger Kings too or I'll take my services to Akron,
thank you very much.


Cocameister said...

That is truly pathetic. How can they list fast food places as a selling point!?!!?!??!?!

You might be able to send this to Jay Leno's "Headlines" and get it on air. It's pretty ridiculous.

Don said...

I can "stomach" this comment if those chains are HEADQUARTERED THERE.

But something tells me they paid for the right to be mentioned up front like that.