

I take it all back, Nintendo

You might've heard that Owen's Christmas Wii was broken and that we had to send it back. Those heartless, greedy SOBs I thought... Falsifying scarcity to jack up the price then dashing the Christmas dreams of innocent children by distributing faulty merchandise. THEN having the gall to provide a 'tech' support number that connects you to a recording that spits back the same tip that's in the box: "Make sure the game disc is inserted label side up." Oh, thanks Nintendo, I never thought of that. Wow, any other tips for me? Should I also turn my cell phone on before I try to dial a number? Should I also lift the lid before I piss in the toilet? SHOULD I NINTENDO?!?!

We even sent poor Grandma Liz back to Santa's workshop for a new one.

Well as it turns out, the new Wii couldn't read the disks either ......but .... um....both times we had the console upside down, and, as a result, the disks were -- technically-speaking -- upside down too.

But, hey, O loves his Wii now.


julie said...

We are officially techno-tarded.

Unknown said...

Wow, I know exactly how it feels to be techno-tarded. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Don said...

Will, hook the sucker up to the internet so I can destroy you in bowling like old times. Yeah, you heard me. Put down Wii Needlepoint for 5 minutes and play a man's game. My Wii Me may not have arms connected to its spherical hands, but it will kick your Wii Ass up and down those lanes. And no fair hiding behind your son now, hippy. Everyone knows that kids have an unfair advantage. So, take your 83 average onto the interwebz old man for a return to your weekly 10 pin beatings.

Will said...

Wii needlepoint -- I love it. Seriously, I love it -- my Me has three new sweaters.

Since I'm already on record as Wii-tarded, it should come as no surprise that hooking this thing up to the interweb is a little daunting BUT with my pride on the line, I will make it happen.

julie said...

Our wii is already hooked up to the internet.