

Just great

Michael Phelps is great at doing bong hits, apparently. So that means the perfectly mediocre athletes of the world have one less excuse to use for why we -- I mean they -- aren't closer to good at whatever sport it is they're undertaking. Yes, Michael, you can win 8 golds while on performance detracting drugs. I'm sure next we'll learn that you rehydrate with Budweiser. Thanks for nothing.


Cocameister said...


I don't think it was that big a deal. The guy won 8 golds and is one of the best athletes in the world. Doesn't he deserve a little R&R with some nice dubee? It's not steroids at least. And, it makes his feat more impressive.

Will said...

he definitely deserves it, Steve. the only person here who should be persecuted is the clown snapping photos. I mean, seriously.