

Annals of Neuroscience

Today, for the second time in the past 2 weeks, I walked away from my car in the parking garage without my umbrella even though it was pouring rain outside. Why? It's not raining in the parking garage my mind told me.

We were out at dinner Saturday night with French people. They were talking about their trip to Long Island and we were asking about flora and fauna. They said they saw some dolphins in the water. Trying to make conversation while seeming culturally inquisitive, I thought 'I'll ask them 'how do you say 'dolphin' in French?' But before I could ask, the woman said they also saw a seal. So my brain quickly switched to 'how do you say 'seal' in French?' The answer turned out to be what sounded like 'fuk' (I have since learned that it is spelled 'phoque' but still sounds like 'fuk'). I'm pretty sure I had heard that at some point in my life, what with my connoiseurship of stupid shit that makes me giggle. But the question is -- when she mentioned dolphins, was my brain already reaching for that far away memory of 'phoque' which her mention of seals then propelled to the cortex??


julie said...

You know, when you asked how to say seal in French, I thought it was a weird question, since it's not like you know any *other* words in French. So, my guess is yes, somewhere in your mind you knew that already.

Will said...

Ne sois pas silly. Je sais que beaucoup de mots en français. Aussi, je regarde des spectacles des phoques tout le temps.

julie said...

Comment dit-on Jackass moderne en français?

Don said...

You two make me want to go club some fucks.