Oscar nominations are out and I have seen none of the nominations for best picture. That's an all-time low for those of you scoring at home. I may start with Juno so I can join the conversations about it.
This is as good a time as any to remind you all that I spotted Philip Seymour Hoffman at a yankers game, timed my exit exactly with his, shook his hand and said 'I loved you in Happiness.' **WRITER'S EMBELLISHMENT**Then I said 'Don't you have anything better to do than root for this disgusting franchise? Get back to the studio and make Oscar your b#$&^.' He has since renounced the yankers and become an Academy favorite....
Will (and other readers),
If you want to see the Oscar-nominated movies for cheap (i.e., free), check out this website. You can watch most current movies on here. Some are really good quality (DVD quality, especially if hosted on the site "Stage 6") and some are filmed from a hand-cam.
Here's the link: http://www.free-tv-video-online.info/
You forgot to mention that we were sitting right near 1st base with a bunch of angree Yankee fans who almost kicked our asses because you were basically dressed in a head to toe orange suit. And, I was convinced the Phil was there with a guy I went to High School with. And, that lady got hit straight in the face with a fly ball.
they probably wanted to kick my ass for some other reason b/c as I recall, it was a yankers - A's game so I probably wasn't wearing my usual Orioles' attire. I wonder what did happen to that poor lady...
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