

Not exactly what I had in mind...

My PR campaign to get people to acknowledge that Ed Norton uncannily resembles me took a turn for the worst this week.

Dwight spotted this guy in a foodie blog


Vacation 2010

Big O now has the wing span of a turkey vulture

and can hold up the sky like Atlas

and is getting a little squirmy


Staycation 2010

O is already back from Omaha, chaperoned back east by Grandma. Julie and I had a good two weeks, highlighted by the stunning Newport folk festival headlined by Levon Helm

and a lot of great hikes, most nearby but this one up in Mount Holyoke, MA, overlooking the Connecticut River:

and of course O had a grand time in Omaha:


Internet time machine

I found the senior picture I almost had. And please note the new awkwardfamilypetphotos link on the right.