

Custom Cabinet

Wondering what the blogosphere has to say about the Obama cabinet thus far. Lahood, Gregg, Gates all Repubs and all heading up either powerhouse depts (Gates) or up-and-coming depts. And let's not forget Jim Jones as national security adviser. I haven't heard who the likely Daschle replacement will be.

I'm happy with Hillary as Sec of State but you probably already guessed that. Jim Ramstad was Obama's likely drug czar as of November but now there's a temporary dude named Jurith so I'm not sure what's going on. Ramstad could be trouble -- opposes needle exchange AND maintenance treatment of opioid dependence (I'm told). Obama made campaign statements supporting needle exchange plus I would be surprised if a drug czar could do any meaningful damage to the established programs in big cities where need and support are both high (no pun intended).


kath said...

Have you had any PTSD-like symptoms in these early days of the Obama administration? I still find myself cringing when I hear nonspecific "President" comments. And the whole Ginsburg thing sent me into a full panic initially! (I know it is not all about me and am sorry to hear about her health status, BTW)

Will said...

This doesn't make an epidemic but Patrick Swayze, Justice Ginsburg and Steve Jobs with pancreatic cancer?