

Sunday WOe's

It's now 15 straight Sunday losses for the Birds; yesterday's, though, not totally demoralizing as it was at the hands of the AL's best pitcher over the last two months.

Still, we now have to start thinking about curse-breaking antics. Maybe we can start by acknowledging that manager Dave Trembley
looks a lot like William Shatner.

I don't know where this gets us exactly - a Sunday Star Trek promotion? a pre-game lounge number from Dave? - but something needs to happen.

And while I'm on the look-a-like topic....without introducing any kind of bias, who does this pic of un-make-upped, un-buff Ed Norton remind you of?

1 comment:

Will said...

and some other great sports look alikes... they're not pictured side by side but worth the extra trouble. The picture of adam morrison by itself is a classic