

Post-Racial America

Wanda Sykes has a pretty good HBO stand up special out, especially if you like f-bombs as much as I do. She had this riff about now with Obama as Prez, she can now proudly do all the things she thought were too stereotypically black to openly do before. Which leads me somehow to my conversation with the DMV yesterday.

The DMV guy was telling me that I should get a refund on the registration for a car that I only owned for 5 days (long story, not crucial to the plot here). He said -- twice and with generous, robust spirit -- "I don't want you to be a fool." THEN he said, "Think of what you could buy with're white ... you could get some milk and some hot oatmeal."

My first thought was, "That sounds delicious" and then of course, "Did he really say that?" but it was so bizarre and tangential that I didn't process if fast enough to get him to expound on it. I'm 100% positive he said the milk and outmeal part and I don't know what else could've been in the place of 'white' that maybe rhymes with white and would make any sense (I mean, at least as much sense as 'white').


Don Martin said...


Don Martin said...

a delight?

Don Martin said...


Don Martin said...

a sight?

Don Martin said...


Don Martin said...


Don Martin said...


Don Martin said...

Lousaka Polite?

Don said...

a coprolite?

Will said...

dyn - o -mite

julie said...

Nobody mentioned "bright?" I mean, maybe in this guy's world, the smartest thing you could do is get your money back, then buy some milk and hot oatmeal.