

Let there be light

the power is back on at 68 Cleveland Road after nearly 72 hours. would have been less painful had I not deadbolted the side door to the garage, thus trapping my car behind the electric garage door. (no I don't have a key to the deadbolt and yes I locked it from the inside)

I drank our milk all 3 days and will continue to do so.

My showering schedule was not affected, despite rumors to the contrary.

O has been at Grandma Liz' and the start of school has been delayed by a day.


julie said...

I'll note, as your readership has probably already surmised, that your showering routine wasn't interrupted because you don't actually shower daily.

Don said...

Oh yeah, I forgot about those habits. When again is the solstice?

julie said...

Also, you failed to mention that you continued to drink our milk EVEN THOUGH WE DIDN'T PUT IT IN A COOLER WITH SEVERAL BAGS OF ICE like most other people affected by a complete power outage.