

Philly Battleground

O got to go to his first political rally last week. He put in a few 'Hill-a-ry' chants but got a little cranky towards the end. Here's a video at Temple's gym. Look for me next to a couple union guys. Apparently Colbert Report will be in Philly 4/14-17 but tix are sold out.


ted said...

I liked the "who-hoo" cheer you gave after she delivered one of her lines. Does this mean you're not an Obama guy? Would have pegged you as one.

Meeta said...

I would've pegged you as an Obama guy, too...or at least not a Hillary one.

julie said...

it seems so strange that your friends are pegging you for an obama supporter. i wonder what this all means.

kath said...

Will, that is totally awesome. And I, for one, NEVER pegged you as an obama guy. Love that you are starting O out right, too! I'm so proud!

Will said...

wow - four comments while I was away

I think Hillary is the most qualified for this job and the fact that she is a woman gives her a second edge in my mind. I would rather hang out w/ Obama, which may be the source of others' opinion on who I would vote for. I'm certainly not much of a visionary.