

Hair-raising adventures

I was trying to get O presentable for a cameo at Julie's work event last night so I thought it would be best to cut his hair first. I decided we'd try one of the South St barber shops....

We walked in and I asked the barber if he cuts 'kids' hair' and pointed to Owen. I think somewhere implied in the question was 'white hair' since I've never seen a white person in there. (Sure, I seriously doubted that he would say no but it crossed my mind is all). Anyway, the guy said 'yes' and, noting an older gentleman who appeared to be waiting in the back, I asked how long a wait it might be. The barber said 'None at all, he cuts hair' and pointed to that older gentleman.

This guy was pushing 70, had coke-bottle glasses on and had a serious tremor. But now that the contract was already started, and - hey, no wait! - we went for it. Owen was a super champ...he watched the shaking scissors pass right above his eyeballs multiple times. He had the clippers pressed against the back of his scalp over and over again with nary a flinch. And the hair cut looks fantastic. (Eva was really impressed this morning.) Owen and the barber had some good chatter going even though neither of them could hear each other until the second or third repeat.

O got on his dress-up clothes (think Danny from Caddyshack at the yacht club) and did a great job charming the donors at Pennsylvania Hospital.


ted said...

hey, i had a similar experience at a black barber shop when i was spending one of my college summers in new haven. it was very hot and i was spending a lot of time outdoors, so i just wanted my head shaved -- nothing fancy. but the barber, i think, saw my asian hair as a professional challenge and gave me a perfect fade -- it took about an hour.

Will said...

It's funny, when I asked the 2nd barber if he could do it, he asked me how I wanted it cut before answering 'yes.' Then he proceeded to do a cut that was quite complex -- moreso than I think I described -- and took close to 30 min.

julie said...

Oh man. Where can I buy one of those yachting hats for Owen?