

The Age of Aquarium

O and fellow 110 classmates had a field trip to the Camden Aquarium today. I arrived late, choosing to ride my bike over the Ben Franklin Bridge. (Note to self: check wind conditions prior to attempting again). The ride was a bit treacherous but helped remind me that we're long over due to check out the Camden River Sharks, whose Campbell field looks more kid- and wallet- friendly than the mlb parks.

Anyway, O seemed to have a great time at the aquarium, even asking if we could come back Saturday ("No! You planning to get a job to pay for all your entertainment?" I barked at him). He even found time to form a new indie rock band called 'Turtle Is Hot' (please enlarge album cover below)
As you can see, one of their artistic statements is anonymity. As Bix explained to me, they have made a visual pun on the hack-neyed name-tag tradition by having theirs face backwards. They performed their first single "Seriously, this turtle is hot.... is it time for lunch?" live at the aquarium.

Owen also got other children (rather than adults this time) to worship him:

He also took time to pose for a proto-Senior picture choosing 'Jungle' as backdrop even though most of the others in his class picked the neon, cursive 'Class of 2020' on top of a Camaro.

1 comment:

Meeta said...

Cute pictures! It's about time (for the pictures, I mean; O's always been cute). And I know this is sort of the wrong thread, but I had to see it before I could say this...the haircut IS great.