

When the cat's away...

Julie was out of town for a couple days so Owen and I got a chance to do all the wild things we dream of such as:

moongazing at the Franklin institute with Bix, Janet and Don

smushing two dimes and a penny...because we can

Eating gi-normous portions of black forest cake for dinner at German Beer night at the ball park

taking cool pictures, (O not actually dangling precariously on balcony)

shooting pool (in red crocs) way after bed time with Harsha

**In no way is Dad attempting to belittle the importance of schedule-following and adequate sleep. By Father's Day, it caught up to O who during brunch went through wild swings of melt-down (these shoes are giving me blisters!) and giddiness (uncontrollably laughing reading aloud sign saying 'do not touch the dog. she will bite your ass.')


julie said...
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julie said...

Lordy, his shorts have a lot of cake on them.

kath said...

Those pics are great. I haven't seen you in ages! Back to the facial hair, huh? Looks like you boys had some great times.