

Not really a sniglet

You know when you're walking down a long hallway at work and you see a co-worker walking towards you from the other end? You don't want to stare them down with a goofy grin on your face for 50 feet so you look elsewhere until you're about 10 feet away at which point you look towards them and say "Good morning!" as if you're just seeing them for the first time. Delayed greetification? I know, a little cutesy but this one's hard to squeeze into one word.


Don said...

I would call it "grinopause"

julie said...

Here's a phenomenon that we all know about and probably thought needed a sniglet but has an actual name, surprisingly enough.


Look it up:

Will said...

It has an 'actual name' that some goofball made up so there was some snigleticity involved. How about the last paragraph of that wikipedia entry? just thought they could sneak that in? (apparently they were right)