

This and that ...

Favre is a Jet. I could've imagined it but it seemed like Brett was on the verge of tears during his entire press conference announcing his new Jet-ness. Between the Packers' owner, GM, head coach, Favre himself ...what a fascinating psychodrama played out in restrained emotions in front of microphones. (I'm guessing it was the polar opposite of Mamma Mia, if hell were to freeze over and I were to see that movie.) I felt bad for Favre this go-round; it seemed like the Pack saying 'you can't win another Super Bowl' was like taking Old Yeller out back and ...

But, hey, the Jets did win 4 games last year. And Favre's already been in a movie with Cameron Diaz; could his next one be with Paris Hilton?

On an unrelated note -- listen closely... if you're saying a word with S-T in it these days, do you put an 'H' in between? Steven Colbert just said 'dishtracting' twice, the ad says it's 'Shtrong, Army Shtrong.' and Owen and I both say 'shtreet.' (Any relation to the mostly bygone fad of adding a 'zh' sound to the end of words ending in 's'? if you listen to NPR, you'll still hear Robert Siegel and Ivan Watson say 'NPR Newszh.' I think it makes the speaker feel more intense or learned but sounds awfully pretentious. )

Lastly, lots of people at the VA want me to have a 'blessed' day. People put it on their outgoing voice messages, the cashiers say it at the cafeteria, the nurses in clinic say it. Is this a new thing? Shtrangely, I don't find it intrusive, but it seems too ambitious. Back when you were just supposed to have a nice or a good day, the bar seemed more realistic.


Brendan said...
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Brendan said...

as far as im concerned, everyone can keep their goddamn blessings to themselves. a woman told me recently that i was rude because i didn't "bless" her when she sneezed. I told her she was rude for not excusing herself for making that rankling noise while spraying mucous throughout the room. i guess we agreed to disagree.