

You Be Google, 2nd installment

How do I know:

1) if I'm pregnant?

2) if I have swine flu?

3) if he likes me?

4) if a girl likes me?

5) when I am ovulating?


Will said...

1) you miss your period, your uterus starts to grow and you have elevated levels of hcg in your blood and urine

2) no way to know... drink fluids and take tylenol

3) no way to know ... drink fluids and take tylenol

4) laughs at your jokes unless she is below you in some kind of power structure in which case she is being polite

5) slight rise in core body temperature due to progesterone surge or you have the swine flu

julie said...
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julie said...

1) if the sight of runny eggs makes me nauseated

2) if my son is throwing up twice a day and I suddenly can't get off the bed

3) if he farts at the breakfast table and helps me to make the bed in the morning

4) no way to know ... drink fluids and take tylenol

5) if I knew that I might not have gotten pregnant (but thank goodness I did!)

Will said...

all-righty then

Don said...
